May 20, 1881 is the date on which Mayville Lutheran Church was organized. Pioneer Pastor Bjug Harstad, who also served numerous other congregations in the area, was called to serve as the first pastor of the congregation, which became a member of the Norwegian Synod. November 23, 1883 Mayville Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church, affiliated with the Hauge Synod, was organized by Pastor Bersvend Anderson.
In 1905 a 3rd Lutheran congregation was organized in Mayville by Pastor P. R. Syrdal. It was named Our Savior’s Lutheran Church and was affiliated with the United Lutheran Church Synod. A merger of Lutheran Synods in America took place in 1917 and as a result these three congregations united to form Mayville Lutheran Church and called Pastor N. J. Lohre to be its Pastor. The church building of Mayville Lutheran Church was used by this new congregation, because it was the biggest of the three. On June 10, 1951 a new church building was dedicated and it remains the gathering place for worship and ministry. Today Mayville Lutheran Church is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.