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Mayville-Gran and Portland Lutheran Parish Youth Group Trip to Castaway Club

on Pelican Lake near Detroit Lakes MN September 23-25

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Confirmation October 30, 2022

Ryleigh Amb - daughter of Michael and Amanda Amb (ML) 

Teegan Domier - daughter of Kelly and Bryan Domier (ML)

Sofie Hofer - daughter of Stefan and Shannon Hofer (Gran)

Broden Huard - son of Dawn and Jason Huard (ML)

Colten Krueger - son of Mitchell Krueger and Nikki Nyvold (ML)

Kalista Schark - daughter of Tammy Schark (ML)

Corbin Schreiner - son of Kara and Justin Schreiner (ML)

Lauren Soine - daughter of Terri and Lucas Soine (ML)

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Sutton Nels Linder Baptism

at Gran Lutheran Church

October 16, 2022

Sutton's parents are Devon & McKenna Linder. 

Sutton is wearing Grandpa Kent's Baptismal Outfit

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Kids Church (Sunday School)

Kids Church gathers Sundays at 10 a.m. in the basement of MLC.  They enjoy music, 

Bible stories, and crafts/activities.  Approximately 10:45 they join their families

upstairs in the Sanctuary/Son Room for the Children's Sermon and remainder of church service.  

Singing in church is fun for all!  Recently 3-year-olds, 3rd graders, and 6th graders received their new Bibles. 

Note - New volunteers to assist with Kids Church are welcome to contact the church office for more information.

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Community Fall Quilting Group enjoying fellowship!

You are invited!

Community Fall Quilting at Mayville Lutheran Church in the Narthex and Son Room! Bring your own fabric, donate or use what we have! Lots of good conversation, bright sunlight, tasty food and a few quilts get done too! Call Kathy Baldock @701-430-0542 for more information! Hope to see you there

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JAM (Jesus & Me) kids enjoying "Acres of Terror" Outing!

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